
Archdiocese of Freetown Annual Lenten Pilgrimage… Archbishop Tamba Charles Calls for Unity and Rejects Tribalism

Archdiocese of Freetown Annual Lenten Pilgrimage… 

Archbishop Tamba Charles Calls for Unity and Rejects Tribalism

By Fr. Peter Konteh 



The Archbishop of Freetown Dr. Edward Tamba Charles has calls for Unity and reject tribalism in the country.  Dr. Edward Tamba Charles was speaking during Archdiocese of Freetown Annual Lenten Pilgrimage.

‘In the heart of West Africa lies the beautiful nation of Sierra Leone, a land rich in diversity, culture, and natural beauty. However, beneath this façade of beauty lies a persistent and insidious problem that threatens to tear apart the very fabric of our society: tribalism’ he said.

He said tribalism, the practice of showing loyalty to one's own tribe or ethnic group over others, has plagued our nation for far too long. It is a sin that stains the moral conscience of our people, dividing us along artificial lines and breeding mistrust, animosity, and conflict. 

He said when we exclude others simply because they do not belong to the same tribe as us, we perpetuate a cycle of discrimination and intolerance that undermines the unity and progress of our nation.

‘We must have the courage to call tribalism by its name and confront it head-on. We cannot turn a blind eye to the prejudices and biases that fuel this destructive force. Instead, we must stand together as one people, united in our diversity and committed to building a society where every individual is valued and respected, regardless of their tribal background’ he said.

Archbishop said all must reject tribalism and must also address another pressing issue that threatens the very survival of our nation and planet: ecological sin. The wanton destruction of our environment through deforestation, pollution, and unsustainable practices not only harms the natural world but also jeopardizes the future of generations to come.

We must take a stand against this ecological sin and make a concerted effort to protect and preserve our environment. We must embrace sustainable practices that promote harmony between humanity and nature, recognizing that our fates are intertwined and that we have a shared responsibility to safeguard the planet for future generations.

Let us come together as one people, transcending tribal divisions and working towards a common goal of unity, peace, and sustainability. Let us reject tribalism and embrace inclusivity, understanding, and empathy towards all members of our society. Let us stop the ecological sin that threatens our environment and commit to being stewards of the land that sustains us.

In doing so, we can build a brighter future for Sierra Leone, a future where unity triumphs over division, where compassion triumphs over prejudice, and where harmony with nature is valued above all else. The time to act is now. Let us stand together and make a difference in our beloved nation.





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