
Chief Minister Speaks About Vision For The Future Of Sierra Leone

Chief Minister Speaks About Vision For The Future Of Sierra Leone

At the recently concluded National Town Hall on Peace, Security, and National Cohesion, organized by the Ministry of Information and Civic Education in partnership with the UN Foundation, Chief Minister Dr. David Moinina Sengeh delivered a powerful message about Sierra Leone’s commitment to fostering peace. 

Held at the New Brookfields Hotel, on 27th August, 2024, the event brought together key stakeholders, government officials, and civil society to engage in critical dialogue about the future of peace and security in Sierra Leone. 

Dr. Sengeh's remarks set the tone for the town hall, highlighting that the pursuit of peace must be grounded in the current realities of the nation. "We cannot talk about the future of peace if we do not first address where we are today," he began, urging participants to confront the challenges facing Sierra Leone with honesty and determination. His message was clear: sustainable peace is not just an abstract goal but a practical necessity that requires immediate and concrete actions.

In a world increasingly defined by uncertainty and conflict, the pursuit of peace is not just an aspiration but a necessity. Chief Minister of Sierra Leone, Dr. David Moinina Sengeh, has reiterated the government's unwavering commitment to this goal, emphasizing that the foundation of peace must be built on the realities of today.

Central to his remarks was the government’s commitment to the 80 recommendations put forth by the tripartite committee, a commitment Dr. Sengeh reaffirmed with conviction. "We are committed to the 80 recommendations, and we will achieve all of them," he stated, emphasizing that these recommendations are not mere suggestions but essential steps toward building a peaceful and prosperous Sierra Leone. His assurance that President Julius Maada Bio is fully committed to meeting these recommendations underscored the government’s dedication to national progress.

Dr. Sengeh’s address highlighted the critical role of young people and women in Sierra Leone’s workforce and the recognition of young people and women as essential to Sierra Leone’s peacebuilding efforts. "The critical workforce comprises young people and women. If these people do not have peace, we will not have peace," he emphasized. His focus on these groups underscored the importance of their inclusion and empowerment in shaping the nation’s future.

The Chief Minister addressed the need for continuous learning and adaptation. "We need to unlearn so that we can learn," he urged, advocating for a mindset that embraces change and innovation. This perspective is crucial for addressing evolving challenges and ensuring that solutions remain effective.

Dr. Sengeh’s speech also highlighted the principle of radical inclusion as vital for national cohesion. "You cannot talk about peace if you don’t believe in radical inclusion. Inclusion must be the centerpiece of how national cohesion is built," he stated. This call for radical inclusion resonated throughout the town hall, reinforcing the idea that every citizen must have a role and voice in the nation’s peace efforts.

Radical inclusion is not just a policy but a principle that Dr. Sengeh believes is crucial for national cohesion. "You cannot talk about peace if you don’t believe in radical inclusion. Inclusion must be the centerpiece of how national cohesion is built," he explained. This belief is a call to action for Sierra Leone to embrace diversity and ensure that every citizen, regardless of their background, is part of the nation’s journey towards lasting peace.

Dr. Sengeh emphasized the importance of continuous learning and adaptation. "We need to unlearn so that we can learn," he says, advocating for a mindset shift that allows for growth and change. This approach is vital in a rapidly evolving world where old solutions may no longer be effective.

The Chief Minister’s keynote address also underscored the significance of dialogue and civic participation in building peace. "We have normalized dialogue and civic participation. That is the bedrock of peace," he said, highlighting the government’s commitment to fostering inclusive and participatory processes. According to him, this inclusive approach ensures that every voice is heard and that decisions are made with the collective good in mind.

As Sierra Leone moves forward, Dr. Sengeh’s commitment to peace, inclusion, and dialogue serves as a guiding light for the nation. His leadership is a testament to the belief that true peace is built on understanding, participation, and the unyielding commitment to progress for all.

The Peace and National Cohesion Town Hall, with Dr. Sengeh’s keynote address as its centerpiece, demonstrated the government’s dedication to creating a culture of peace through dialogue, inclusion, and active participation. His leadership and vision for Sierra Leone’s future exemplifies a commitment to building a united and prosperous nation where every citizen plays a crucial role in the journey towards lasting peace.

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