
POLICE HAUNTS... Mrs shutti... wanted by Sierra Leone police and Govt.

The Government’s assertion hat the August 10 insurrection in Sierra Leone that left scores of Sierra Leoneans dead including police officers was properly planned, financed, determined and fully implemented, which caused untold human and financial loss to the country is fast becoming true according to investigation conducted by this medium. What President Bio predicted is gradually showcasing itself as undisputable. Names of allege financiers have started popping up to the surprise of many Sierra Leoneans who were close to some of the individuals. The activities of most of the individuals whose names have started popping up as key and notable political party financial supporters that willingly spent huge amount of money to cause the mayhem in the country have maintained faceless positions since the plan failed. The plan, described as “GRAND” was to illegally unseat the democratically elected Government and installed a puppet undemocratic political state administrative structure to be called “A GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL UNITY” The so-called Government of national unity as would have been  called should have comprised key politicians both from the APC and SLPP political parties, which would have taken over the administration of the state. What was revealed to this medium recently according to sources close to the Sierra Leone police Headquarters is that the police is currently on the lookout for one Mrs. Maria Ebatu Shittu, believed to be a member of the opposition and a key financier of the PPP Group, whom according to intelligence received by the Sierra Leone Police is one of the financial backbone to the group. Mrs. Shittu, is reportedly very bitter with the current Bio administration, but would not tell the reason for bitterness and sources say she wants to see the back of the Government. It is not known whether the Investigative Committee appointed by President Julius Maada Bio, to which the Chairman of the Committee is Lawyer Emmanuel Abdulai is aware of this individual.  Government sources have revealed that the Committee is compiling names and contact addresses of people that will be very useful to the investigation, and it will not be too long when the Committee would kick off the process of investigating the causes and recommend measures to be taking.

Since the announcement of the Committee and appointment of its members, sources close to some members of most of the opposition political parties are reportedly becoming very jittery for fear that their names would be made public, which could lead to further arrest and subsequent detention. Meanwhile, most of the individuals arrested in relation to their alleged participation in the insurrection have been reportedly released after police claimed that there is no substantial and circumstantial evidence that warrants criminal charges against them. Despite, police is giving hope to some of them by releasing them on the grounds that there is no substantial or circumstantial evidence  for criminal charges to be pressed on them, there is the likelihood that some of them could be re-arrested if during the investigation police discovered that some of those released have vital information that could be useful to the investigation.

Sources close to one of the opposition political parties believed to be the registered party of Mrs Maria Ebatu Shittu are calling on the Investigation Committee not to give up on her as she has valuable information that can help  with the investigation.   

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