
Over August 10th Riot In Freetown… Cookery Seller Escapes Death, Husband Killed and Shop destroyed

Over August 10th Riot In Freetown…

Cookery Seller Escapes Death, Husband Killed and Shop destroyed

By Dauda Kamara 

A cookery seller in central Freetown, Yabom Kamara narrowly escaped death after her Cookery shop was attacked in the wake of the August 10th riot that disturbed the peace of the city and other part of the country. 

The popular cookery shop located along Free Street in central Freetown is no more as the shop has been vandalized and destroyed completely. It was alleged that security forces backed by ruling party youth attacked the cookery shop leading to the death of Madam Yabom’s husband Mr. Amara Kamara who was shoot dead and the cookery shop destroyed completely. 

Report intimate that the security forces were accompanied by the ruling party youth and during the saga the cookery seller’s husband was shot in cold blood.

During the nationwide riot that took place on 10th August 2022, armed security forces, accompanied by ruling party youths, stormed the popular cookery shop alleged to have always accommodate opposition party youths and members.

Information gathered and corroborated by residents in the area noted that the armed security officers stormed the Cookery shop and destroyed the entire building and catering away other important items.  Madam Yabom Kamara is said to have escaped as she was at the backed of the shop when the armed officers stormed the compound on the pretext that protesters were hiding in the compound that used to sell food to the public.

Residents in the area informed this medium that the security forces who stormed the area were firing indiscriminately and threatening anyone who dares to go against the government. The situation was exacerbated by the allegations by the President that the main opposition party was behind the violent protests across the country and described the protesters as terrorists.

This unfortunate situation resulted in targeting of known members of the opposition and anybody associated with the opposition irrespective of who they are.

Remains of Madam Yabom's Cookery Shop

Other family members including children of the cookery seller have to flee fearing for their lives. This situation has forced Madam Yabom Kamara and her three children run away although information also suggest they might have been killed.  

All three sons of Madam Yabom are nowhere to be seen as nobody knows there whereabouts.  

Youth destroying the cookery shop

Police sources contacted, confirmed that several people have been arrested in connection with the protest and confirmed that some 6 police officers were brutally killed by protesters including civilians. They failed to take responsibility for the shootings, but that Investigations are on-going and they will get to the public when completed. The police furthered noted that some suspects are on the run and the police are looking for them. They called on citizens to remain calm as things are under control.

However, as we go to press, the whereabouts of the cookery seller and her children are unknown, and some even feared she is dead. The remains of the husband killed by gunshots wounds was taken to the Connaught mortuary alongside others that were killed.

Family members of those killed during the riot have been prevented from accessing the central mortuary to identify their loved ones.


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