
Sierra Leone achieved high overall score in implementing the 2019 EITI Standard

Sierra Leone has achieved an overall high score of 87.5% in implementing the 2019 Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Standard. The overall score reflects an average of the three component scores on "Stakeholder engagement”, “Transparency”, and Outcomes and Impact 

The announcement was made by the EITI Board Chair- Hon. Helen Clerk at the ongoing 54th EITI Board meeting in Oslo, Norway. 

The Validation assessment found that Sierra Leone has exceeded three EITI Requirements, Fully met 16, Mostly met 6 and Partly met 1 Requirement. Six EITI Requirements are not applicable. Sierra Leone was also awarded two additional points on the Effectiveness and sustainability indicators.

The report further notes that implementation has revitalized since the previous Validation in 2018. This was attributed to a strong government commitment and leadership led by H.E President Bio in transforming natural resource governance. 

Congratulations to the Honourable Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh - SLEITI Champion, the Minister of State, Office of the Vice President and Chair of the SLEITI Multi-Stakeholder Group - Mrs. Francess Piagie Alghali, the SLEITI Multi-Stakeholder Group and SLEITI Secretariat for this outstanding progress.

The full Validation Report will be presented to President Julius Maada Bio by the SLEITI Team very shortly.

The Board commends Sierra Leone for the progress it has made in implementing the EITI Standard. The very high component score on Outcomes and impact (94 points) reflects Sierra Leone’s efforts to ensure that EITI implementation contributes to public debate and policymaking related to the extractive sector. The EITI work plan sets out priorities and establishes a clear framework for monitoring outcomes. Sierra Leone EITI’s focus on subnational disclosures and impact at the local level has increased the relevance of EITI implementation in contributing to ongoing national peacebuilding efforts. Sierra Leone was awarded two additional points on the Effectiveness and sustainability indicators. Sierra Leone is encouraged to institutionalise good practices for following up on EITI recommendations and acting upon lessons learnt.

Stakeholder engagement has improved since the previous Validation, which is reflected in the high component score on Stakeholder engagement (90 points). The Government of Sierra Leone has taken effective leadership and involved new government agencies in EITI implementation. Civil society has revitalised its engagement in the EITI and diversified its representation on the MSG. Industry engagement has strengthened, although it continues to be focused on the largest mining companies. The multi-stakeholder group serves as a forum for dialogue and effectively steers the EITI process. The MSG has considered gender equality in its composition and activities. Sierra Leone is encouraged to leverage the EITI process to foster discussion about the impact of the energy transition on the extractive sector, broaden industry engagement and to strengthen citizen participation beyond the EITI.

Sierra Leone achieved a moderate component score on Transparency (78 points). The Board commends Sierra Leone for significantly improving disclosures related to subnational payments and transfers, as well as social expenditures, which are of high interest to stakeholders. The MSG succeeded in achieving comprehensive and reliable revenue disclosures through the flexible approach to EITI reporting. There are opportunities to further strengthen systematic disclosures, which would allow Sierra Leone to address disclosure gaps in relevant data in a cost-effective and timely manner. 

The Board has determined that Sierra Leone will have until a next Validation commencing on 1 January 2025 to carry out corrective actions regarding Contract and license allocations (Requirement 2.2), Contracts (Requirement 2.4), Beneficial ownership (Requirement 2.5), Production data (Requirement 3.2), Export data (Requirement 3.3), Disaggregation (Requirement 4.7), and Revenue distribution (Requirement 5.1). Failure to demonstrate progress on Transparency in the next Validation may result in temporary suspension in accordance with Article 6 of the EITI Standard. In accordance with the EITI Standard, Sierra Leone’s MSG may request an extension of this timeframe or request that Validation commences earlier than scheduled.

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