
Urgent Call to Action: As Sierra Leone Braces for Unfavorable Rainy Season

Urgent Call to Action: As Sierra Leone Braces for Unfavorable Rainy Season

By Mohamed Konneh 

Catholic Priest and Executive Director of Caritas Freetown, Rev. Fr. Peter Konteh calls for action as the country braces for the 2024 raining season. Fr. Konteh was speaking during the start of the raining season as Sierra Leone begins to witness heavy wind and violent rains of late.  

“Sierra Leone is bracing for a challenging rainy period, as recent weather forecasts have painted a less than positive outlook for the coming months. This potential weather crisis calls for collective action from all citizens, as we must rally together to mitigate the risk of severe flooding,” Fr. Konteh warned.

He said the predicted rains are expected to be particularly harsh, leading to fears of widespread flooding, especially in vulnerable regions. The slum areas, which often lack adequate drainage and infrastructure, are expected to be significantly impacted. 

The Catholic Priest noted that in response to this impending crisis, urged each and every Sierra Leonean to join forces and proactively participate in ensuring the safety of their communities. 

“It is time to unite and work collaboratively to clean up our communities, particularly focusing on the slums, where the effect of flooding could be most devastating,” he said. 

Moreover, Fr. Konteh said the importance of environmental conservation cannot be overstated. The reckless cutting of trees, which serve as natural flood barriers by absorbing water, has been a contributing factor to the increasing severity of floods. 

“We need to cease this harmful practice immediately to protect our environment and our people.

He said this period calls for unity, responsibility, and a shared commitment towards safeguarding our beloved Sierra Leone against the imminent weather crisis. 

“We must remember, our actions today will determine our safety tomorrow. Let's act now to ensure a safer, flood-free Sierra Leone. Join us in this cause. Your efforts could make a significant difference in someone's life,” he said.

Fr. Konteh prayed saying “God calls us to follow Him in offering hope to the most vulnerable in their hour of greatest need. Following Jesus’ example, we seek out the lost, injured, and threatened, providing care and protection when everything feels hopeless.  Join me in prayer for God's guidance and protection for the people of Susan's bay during this rainy season, Amen.

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