
Minister Francess Piagie Alghali Reelected as EITI Board Member until 2026

Minister Francess Piagie Alghali Reelected as EITI Board Member until 2026

The SLEITI Multi-stakeholder group (MSG) wishes to inform its stakeholders that  the Minister of State- Vice President Office, and Chair, SLEITI MSG - Mrs. Francess Piagie Alghali has been re-elected for the second time in a row as EITI Board Member.

Mrs Francess Alghali was overwhelmingly voted for by East,West and Central Africa EITI implementing countries.  She will continue to serve as Board Member until 2026 representing Lusophone and Anglophone Africa countries.

Her re-election as Board member means that Sierra Leone remains an integral member in the global community providing quality representation, and promoting good governance in the oil, gas and mineral sectors.

It is our ultimate belief that the “overwhelming support from the East, West, and Central African countries is a testament to her dedication and expertise. We are confident that her proactive and innovative approach, coupled with her diverse experience, will contribute to addressing the challenges faced by implementing countries and amplify Africa's voice on the global stage.”

You will recall that Mrs Alghali took over as Chair of the SLEITI MSG in 2018 and since then, she has significantly repositioned SLEITI implementation.

Under her leadership, Sierra Leone has successfully completed two EITI Validations under the 2016 and 2019 Standards; achieving “Meaningful Progress" in 2019 and an overall high score of 87.5% in 2022 respectively.

To strengthen implementation, she has broadened the scope of SLEITI MSG and introduced thematic representations with strong gender parity, human rights, and the environment.

Mrs. Alghali has also served as a member of the EITI Committees on Validation,  Finance and Administration and is a member of the working committee on the Refinement of the 2019 EITI Standard.

Congratulations Minister Francess Alghali and congratulations Sierra Leone.

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