
Caritas Freetown holds Float Parade to Preach Peace in Post-Election Era

Caritas Freetown holds Float Parade to Preach Peace in Post-Election Era


The Catholic Relief Services in Partnership with Caritas Sierra Leone comprising Caritas Bo, Caritas Makeni, Caritas Freetown, Caritas Kenema and Caritas National Office have concluded training program for youth that was climaxed by a float parade.

The project funded by the United Nations Peace building Fund is a two project titled: ‘Youth in Politics and Peace Building’ implemented in five districts.

The implementing districts include Bo, Port Loko, Western Area Rural and Western Area Urban, and Kenema Districts respectively. 

The objective is to build the capacity of youths in the various districts across the country.

Caritas Freetown Programme Manager, Ishmael Alfred Charles, giving the rational of the program said it is to promote peace, social cohesion, and socio-economic improvement for young people in Sierra Leone. He said the Catholic Relief Services and its implementing partners during this period engaged diverse stakeholders to address unequal power relations between leaders and young people at district and national level.

This he said was to empower young people, particularly young women, to engage in advocacy activities on gender-based violence (GBV) and underlying cultural and traditional beliefs that undermine youth participation in socioeconomic activities. 

Mr. Charles said these young people were empowered and protected to support peace building efforts at their communities.

He said there will be training by law enforcement agencies to ensure the protection of youth activists at district and national levels. 

“Through this project, CRS will use its influence and trusting relationships throughout government structures and with the inter-religious council to introduce traditional and inter-religious dialogue with diverse youth and stakeholders. Also, this will create a platform for young people to have a voice in national discussions that will support their meaningful participation in politics and decision-making, and to peacefully resolve disputes and discriminatory practices against young people (including young women and youth with disabilities) in decision-making, peace building, and political processes,” he narrated. 

Madam Eliza Sillah - Project Coordinator for the Youths in Politics and Mass Building Project said the day is part of activities in building the capacity of youths in politics and to ensure that they preach peace, understand civic rights, responsibilities and also to build their capacities in terms of advocacies and awareness raising. 

She said the activity is specific that serve as a post-election activity in making sure that youth voices are heard in terms of preaching peace and cohesion in their districts. 

“Today we bring together 50 youths from eight different communities in the Western Rural District to come together and share ideas of peace and encourage them to stay away from trouble.

Mr. Hindolo G.Thompson, National Council for Civic Education in his brief statement said the motive is to talk on the rights and responsibilities of youths noting that young people need to build their skills.

The activities include organizing parades, drama, and open space sessions that combine 

The day was climaxed by entertainment and education and education on various topics related to peace and democracy. 


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