
Corruption Stinks in Bonthe Hospital NLe50&70 litres from Patiens Health Alert Reveals…

Corruption Stinks in Bonthe Hospital  

NLe50&70 litres from Patiens

Health Alert Reveals…

Health Alert Reveals…


During it quarterly media engagement on it project implemented in five districts across Sierra Leone, the Executive Director of Health Alert, Victor Lansana Kororma said in Freetown that patients in Bonthe where providing fuel so as to be able to make use of the ambulance service.

Mr. Koroma was briefing the press on their project activity visit in various project locations geared towards promoting Social Accountability for Improved Health Service Delivery. 

The project Mr Koroma noted is implemented in five districts, including, Bonthe, Koinadugu, Falaba, Tonkolili and Kailahun.

“During our visit we found out that in Bonthe district, patients told us they were buying 40 litters of fuel anytime they want to make use of the ambulance service. For patients leaving far away from the main island they were proving 70 litres including and NLe150 as DSA to the driver,” Mr. Koroma said.

Mr. Koroma noted that Health Alert is a local civil society organization specialised in health development advocacy and accountability programming in Sierra Leone.

“Our key mandate since the organisation was established in 2009 is to organise, capacity developing and convening Reproductive Maternal New-born, Child, Adolescents and Nutrition (RMNCAH+N) Network of local Civil Society and media Advocacy and accountability partners in Sierra Leone. Our work complement the existing work of the health workers across the country and to address challenges in the sector,” he said.

Mr. Koroma recalled that in December 2023, Bonthe held its Social Accountability meeting which was to resolve challenges coming from the findings. 

He said last year alone 562 normal deliveries were conducted and 229 caesarian sections from January-September, 2023 was also done.

Mr. Koroma noted that the district lacks functioning air condition in the facilities to preserve drugs under optimal temperature, no vehicle at the DMS to convey drugs to the three health facilities especially Tihun and Moriba Town CHCs. 

“Our findings proved that there was insufficient spaces for the admission of male, female and children. In some cases children were admitted on the same bed and at the same time. Tihun CHC has nine staff, and that only two were on Government payroll (CHO and Midwife) couple with unstable electricity supply at the District Medical Stores. 


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