
BAN Holds Training for Journalists on Public Financial Management

BAN Holds Training for Journalists on Public Financial Management 

By Admire Orlando Price 

In partnership with Christian Aid Sierra Leone, Budget Advocacy Network (BAN) on May 10th 2024 conducted a training for journalists on Public Financial Management (PFM) at the CCSL hall in Freetown. The training is part of the Promoting Accountability and Community Engagement (PACE) project jointly implemented by BAN, CASL and partners.

The training targeted 20 print and broadcast journalists from the PFM Journalists Network, and aimed to educate them on key financial concepts such as the General-Purpose Financial Statement, Cash and Accrual basis accounting, Revenue and Expenditures, and the Government Chart of Accounts.

Working alongside the Ministry of Finance’s Accountant General’s Department, BAN provided insight into the legal framework governing the preparation of Sierra Leone's Annual Public Accounts and Fiscal Reports. The training enhanced journalists' understanding of public sector accounting and reporting, focusing on vital concepts like GFS, Chart of Accounts, Annual Financial Statements, and International Public Sector Accounting Standards.

The ultimate goal of the workshop was to empower media professionals to demand greater accountability and transparency from government officials regarding public finances.

Led by Christian Aid Sierra Leone, the PACE consortium – including BAN, SEND, Green Scenery, WONES, and NMJD – is dedicated to fostering an inclusive, transparent, accountable, and peaceful Sierra Leone, where citizens can assert and enjoy their rights.


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