
Malama Development Association donates learning materials to less privilege school children

Malama Development Association donates learning materials to less privilege school children

By Mohamed Konneh

The Malama Development Association has donated learning materials to less privilege children as part of support to their education. The organisation established to support less privilege in communities is now helping children as the new school year begins.

The venture is to help the learning of children in communities as part of effort to compliment the free quality education by President Bio’s government. 

Making the donation, the chairman of the association Rashid Kanneh said this initial donation is just the beginning of big things to come and that by next year more children will benefit.

He said the donation is part of the organisation’s way of giving back adding that as a young child growing up he was supported by people of good will.

"Today, I am also in a position to help and the reason for this donation. What we are doing today is to help poor parents who finds it difficult to support the education of their children.

We know government is providing free education for children by paying school fees and the provision of core text books. What we are doing is to complement that effort,” he said.

Mr. Kanneh said the books and other materials donated are of quality and this will go a long way helping the children.

“School is about to reopen and it is time for most parents to provide for their children. Also this is a difficult time for most of them due to the economic hardship. This support is small but it will go a long way in supporting them,” he said. 

Receiving the donation one of the parents, Bintu Kallon thanked the Malema Development Association for the support noting that the support came at the right time. 

“As a mother I was finding it very difficult to buy school materials for my children especially at a time like this when school is about to reopen. Thank you for this support and we pray God continue to bless you so that you do more, Madam Kallon said,

She said the donation will help them to support their children as the new school year begins.

Madam Kallon assured the organisation that the learning materials donated will be properly utilized.

The Malama Development Association remains among community organisations that now support less privilege children to further their education. The donation include book, bags, pens, pencils, rulers and lot more.


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