
President Bio Announces Census Date 2025

President Bio Announces Census Date 2025 

By Mohamed Konneh 

President Julius Maada Bio has announced that Sierra Leone will conduct a nationwide Population and Housing Census (PHC) from December 2 to 15, 2025. This announcement follows the successful passage of Statutory Instrument No. 8 of 2024, which was laid in Parliament on August 8, 2024, and became effective on August 29, 2024.

In his address to the nation, President Bio emphasized that the 2025 Census is aligned with the decennial Census calendar and is crucial for the country’s development planning. He pointed out that the 2025 PHC will provide essential data for implementing Sierra Leone’s 2024–2030 Medium Term National Development Plan and assessing progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a deadline of 2030.

“The data from this decennial Census in 2025 will guide the implementation of various development programmes,” President Bio stated, underscoring the importance of reliable statistics to track national development and identify critical challenges.

The 2025 Census will continue Sierra Leone’s long history of census-taking, dating back to 1802, with modern iterations conducted in 1963, 1974, 1985, 2004, and 2015. Building on lessons from the 2021 Mid-Term Census, the government plans to use advanced technologies such as Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) for data collection, further enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

President Bio assured the nation of the government’s commitment to providing substantial financial and logistical support for the census. He acknowledged the collaborative efforts of international partners, including the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the United States Census Bureau through USAID, in ensuring the census is successful.

Statistics Sierra Leone, the government agency responsible for supervising and managing the census, has been preparing for the event, according to the Minister of Planning and Economic Development. The President, acting on this advice, officially set December 1, 2025, as Census Night, with the census itself commencing the following day.

Here is the full speech of President Bio

1. On 8th August 2024, Statutory Instrument No. 8 of 2024, regarding the conduct of a nationwide Population and Housing Census was successfully laid in Parliament. On 29th August 2024, this Statutory Instrument became effective following twenty-one (21) days from its laying.

2. Therefore, in line with the decennial Census calendar, I am pleased to announce that my government will conduct a nationwide Population and Housing Census (PHC) in 2025.

Fellow citizens,

3. You may recall that on the 27th November 2021, during my address to the nation regarding the launch of the 2021 Mid-Term Population and Housing Census, I mentioned that one of the key reasons for conducting the 2021 Mid-Term Population and Housing Census was to prepare for the decennial Census.


4. The data from this decennial Census in 2025 will guide the implementation of various development programmes, primarily the 2024 – 2030 Medium Term National Development Plan and our efforts to achieve the global Sustainable Development Goals. This Census will provide reliable baseline data to assess the impact of critical development interventions on both these guiding instruments with a contemporary deadline of 2030.


5. Through statistical insights derived from this Census, we will track our progress and identify challenges crucial to our national development agenda. 


6. Sierra Leone has a long history of conducting Censuses, dating back to the earliest Census in 1802 and followed by modern-day Censuses in 1963, 1974, 1985, 2004, and 2015. With the upcoming decennial Census scheduled for 2025, we will continue this legacy.   


7. Building on the success of the 2021 Mid-Term Population and Housing Census, we will leverage Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) for the 2025 Population and Housing Census.


8. My government will commit considerable financial and logistical resources to support this 2025 Population and Housing Census. We will collaborate with our esteemed partners such as the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the United States Census Bureau through USAID, and others, to ensure the success of this important national endeavour.

 Fellow citizens,

9. I have been advised by the Minister of Planning and Economic Development on the state of preparedness for the 2025 Population and Housing Census. In accordance with its functions, Statistics Sierra Leone shall have the general supervision and management in the conduct of the 2025 Population and Housing Census.

10. At this juncture, by the order made by the Statutory Instrument No. 8 of 2024, I now direct that a Population and Housing Census of all inhabitants of Sierra Leone be conducted from the 2nd to15th December 2025.

11. Therefore, I declare the night of 1st December 2025 as Census Night and the 2nd December 2025 as the date for the commencement of a nationwide 2025 Population and Housing Census for Sierra Leone. 


12. I thank you, and may God Bless the Republic of Sierra Leone.

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