
Security and Criminal Justice Should Be Priority

Security and the criminal justice system should be a priority for the government of Sierra Leone for several important reasons. 

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Tamba Eric Sourie-Chief Executive, ICJR

First and foremost, ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens is a fundamental duty of any government. By prioritizing security, the government can create an environment where people feel protected and can thrive without fear of crime or violence.

A strong security framework is essential for promoting social stability and maintaining law and order. When citizens feel safe, they are more likely to engage in economic activities, invest in their communities, and participate in the democratic process. This, in turn, can foster economic growth, attract foreign investments, and contribute to overall social development.

A well-functioning criminal justice system is crucial for upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for all. It should be fair, transparent, and efficient, providing equal protection and rights to all individuals, regardless of their social status or background. By investing in the criminal justice system, the government can strengthen its capacity to investigate crimes, prosecute offenders, and deliver justice to victims.

Addressing security concerns is also essential for Sierra Leone's international reputation and relationships with other nations. A country that maintains a robust security apparatus and an effective criminal justice system is likely to earn trust and cooperation from the international community. This can have positive implications for diplomatic relations, trade partnerships, and foreign investments, which are crucial for economic development and national progress.

Lastly, prioritizing security and the criminal justice system helps combat and prevent various forms of crime, including organized crime, terrorism, corruption, and human rights abuses. These threats can undermine the stability and progress of any nation, making it imperative for the government to develop and implement appropriate strategies to detect, deter, and address them effectively.

Overall, by prioritizing security and the criminal justice system, the government of Sierra Leone can create a safer, more prosperous, and just society for its citizens, while also strengthening its position on the global stage.

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