
DISASTER MANAGEMENT! SLPP and APC Unite in Rescue Mission

Over head view of a 4-storey building collapse on Monday, September 16, 2024


In a remarkable display of unity and compassion, Sierra Leoneans from all walks of life have come together to support the rescue efforts at Shell New Road following the tragic collapse of a 4-storey building on Monday, September 16, 2024. The incident, which resulted in loss of lives and properties, has brought the ruling Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) and the main Opposition All People's Congress (APC) together in a shared mission of saving lives and offering assistance to those affected.

Community Youth searching for survivor

Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh of the SLPP, along with Mohamed Gento Kamara and Mohamed Abubakarr Kamara (popularly known as Med-K), have been at the forefront of the rescue operations, drawing attention and admiration from onlookers, pedestrians, and commuters passing through Shell New Road. The trio, described as political heavyweights, took it upon themselves to lead the rescue mission with a spirit of love, unity, and compassion for their fellow citizens.

FCC’s Deputy Mayor, Kweku Lisk, Mohamed Gento Kamara and VP Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh  

The collapsed building tragedy prompted an urgent response from VP Juldeh Jalloh, Gento Kamara, and Med-K, who mobilized resources and manpower to aid in the rescue efforts. The scene at Shell New Road became a focal point of national mourning as the full extent of the disaster unfolded. While the exact number of casualties is still being confirmed, reports indicate that at least ten bodies have been recovered, with dozens more in critical condition and receiving treatment at the Rokupa Government Hospital.

Mohamed Gento Kamara with Vice President Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh

The visible presence of Gento Group of Companies' machinery and Med-K's dedicated team underscored the collaborative efforts between the SLPP and APC in responding to the crisis. The collapsed building, located in an area contested by community members due to its proximity to a dumping site in the east of Freetown, highlighted longstanding issues around land use and construction practices in the city.
Witnessing the cooperation and solidarity between members of different political parties in the rescue mission, observers expressed their appreciation for the display of unity and shared purpose during a time of tragedy. Ibrahim Koroma, a political science student at Fourah Bay College, commended the joint efforts of the SLPP and APC representatives, emphasizing the importance of national cohesion and harmony.


VP Juldeh Jalloh…addressing his audience 

"If what we have seen and witnessed in the rescue mission is anything to go by, then I must say we should be celebrated as a nation," remarked Ibrahim Koroma. "This is the spirit we expect from our politicians – to come together in times of crisis and demonstrate that we are all part of one family. Let us not allow politics to divide us, but instead, let us continue to stand united even in moments of disagreement."
The collaborative response to the tragedy at Shell New Road serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and compassion of the Sierra Leonean people, transcending political differences to prioritize the well-being and safety of their fellow citizens. As rescue operations continue and the community mourns the loss of lives, the solidarity shown by VP Juldeh Jalloh, Gento Kamara, Med-K, and others involved in the rescue mission exemplifies the spirit of togetherness that defines the nation in times of adversity.


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