
16-Yr-Old Rejects Father’s Legacy

16-Yr-Old Rejects Father’s Legacy

Activities of Secret society in some part of Sierra Leone continue to be forced on young men and women forcing them into hiding and running away from their place of birth and country of origin.  Despite continued sensitization on harmful effect of secret society, yet in most parts of Sierra Leone young men and women are still forced into secret society initiations.

The latest development was in Kambia, where one of its inhabitants, 16-Year-Old Dulman Bangura, was forced to flee his community and country.

Dulman Bangura narrowly escaped death from the Poro bush after refusing to take his late father’s position in the Society. Report further states that Dulman as he is commonly called after a forceful initiation in the poro bush was told to take the position of father who was one of the initiators and societal head leaving him with no alternative but to escape from the community and his district.

Information states that Dulman is currently on the run after escaping from the hand of his initiators and also fleeing for his life.

The Poro secret society for men is part of Sierra Leone tradition and cultural norms and when a strong member of the society passes away, the elder son is in line to replace him as tradition demands. Based on this, Dulman was earmarked by the elders since he was now a grown-up and was asked to take up his father’s position in society. 

Reports says that Dulman Bangura and his mother were in their late father house at night when a set of men from the secret society marched straight into their compound demanding that Dulman Bangura must go with them. 

During the scuffled, Dulman’s mother, a disabled woman was push to ground and her son was forcefully taken away with societal men chanting initiation chants.

But as faith could have it, Dulman manages to escape from the hands of his capture. This happened in the second phase of his initiation. It was alleged that during that period, he (Dulman) was expected to fully take up his father’s mantle, late Pa Abu (paroke) in the society bush.  It was also learnt that two of his colleagues died in mysterious circumstance, while the initiation of young boys was taking place. 

At first, there was news about Dulman death, but later news came in that he had escape and to an unknown destination. 

Other Key members and stakeholders in the town said that it was good that the young man fled from the traditional society men, refusing to take up his father position or else he would have been a dead man by now just like the other boys.

Due to compelling inductions of the Poro Society, it had always caused the death of innocent young men in the country.

What is more of concerning about the poro society, is the fact that most stakeholders are part of the Society in the country including Politicians, Police, military personnel and many more serving as active members.

As we go to press Dulman has not been found and nobody knows his whereabouts, while his disabled mother was also maltreated in his absent.

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