
Rejoinder Internal Affairs Reverses Director's Appointment


Internal Affairs Reverses Director's Appointment 

A colleague of mine in the open service drew my attention to a newspaper article written by Freetown Daily on Friday 28th June 2024 “Internal Affairs Reverses Appointment of Director”. The article basically elucidates on the recent rescinding of the two acting appointments made recently for the Posts of Acting Deputy Director General of the Sierra Leone Correctional Service.

Normally. I don’t like to comment on such issues, but circumstances have forced me to write this short piece to rebut those gullible readers and inciters who will want to interpret such an action based on politics, tribe and region.

As one of the longest serving Human Resource Director within the Service and also took active part in the revision of the Correctional Service Act of 2014 and also having served as the focal person during the Annual Manpower Presentations organized by the Human Resource Management Office, I am a bit knowledgeable as to when and how promotions are made within the SLCS.

 The first category of promotion  from Recruit Corrections Officer to Chief Officer of Corrections is the prerogative of  the Director General on the advice of the Promotion Board, The second category of promotions from the Rank of Assistant Superintendent of Corrections to the Rank of Director of Corrections  falls under the prerogative of the Correctional Service Council, The third  and final category is an Appointment not a Promotion that is for the Ranks  of Deputy Director General and Director General. This is a prerogative of the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone on the advice of the Correctional Service Council and subjected to Parliamentary approval. All these promotions and appointments are made only when there is a Vacancy (existing or created).

 The first category of promotion is signed by the Director General, whereas the second category is signed by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in his capacity as Secretary to the Correctional Service Council and the third which is an Appointment is signed by the Secretary to the President.

The Correctional Service Act Part 11 of the Constitution and Administration off the Sierra Leone Correctional Service Section 3 sub sections (a) categorically states that there shall be one Director General and sub section (b) also states that there shall be one Deputy Director General. Any amendment to this provision needs to go through Parliament. 

I am a strong advocate for the position of two Deputy Director Generals as it has been tested and proven to be a suitable administrative practice within Corrections/Prisons Services  globally because of its immense  benefits and can serve as a good balance for an ethnocentric society like ours.

 Nevertheless, if this restructuring is not done in conjunction with the existing laws, it has the tendency to be a subject of legal debate and can even affect the provision of facilities that goes with the office including salary and other emoluments as the Law does not cover it as at now.

I believe the recommendation for the creation of the post for two Deputy Director Generals that has been judiciously approved by Council will be forwarded to Cabinet for approval and subsequently to Parliament for enactment, following which, I am confident that His Excellency in his prerogative powers will then approved any subsequent recommendation.

I fervently hope that this little piece of literature will educate my former colleagues both senior and junior who will in turn cascade same to the wider public, The action of rescinding is in no way relate to in-fighting amongst the Rank and File of the Service but rather a complex matter of Constitutional Procedure.

Dennis Harman (MOR)

Rtd. Deputy Director General -S,L,C,S


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